Legal Marketing Agency for Attorneys that Reshape the Look of Law

Custom Web Designs, SEO, Legal Blogs, Email Marketing, PPC & more for Attorneys that raise the bar!

I have found Alice to have a conscientious work ethic and always maintained a high standard of work. She showed attention to detail, is solution focused, and is highly creative. I happily recommend her services."

J Stock -

Global Legal Law Firm, San Diego

Demystifying Digital Marketing For Attorneys

A Compelling Illustration to Empower Your Strategy

Global Cyber Office | Legal Marketing

To simplify the intricacies of digital marketing for attorneys, we like to use this sailboat illustration.  The internet is like an expansive ocean, brimming with users and opportunities. In this analogy, your Website and Branding, akin to a boat, serves as your platform in this vast digital expanse. To navigate this sea effectively, you need propulsion. Think of PPC Campaigns as the engine, providing that initial burst of momentum. Social Media efforts act as the oars, steering your boat and fostering engagement.

But it’s the SAILS that truly harness the internet’s power. SEO are the sails, comprising many aspects essential for visibility and organic reach. Blogs form part of SEO, fueling momentum, while Email Marketing ensures smooth navigation. Relying solely on PPC or Social Media isn’t sustainable in the long run.

Investing in SEO, along with Legal Articles or Blog and Email Marketing have proven to be successful tools and is the key to long-term success

In the vast expanse of the internet, where leads and budgets are crucial, SEO acts as the wind in your sails, guiding you toward limitless opportunities, provided you have a strong & sturdy, beautifully branded boat!

What We Offer Law Firms

At GCO, we refuse to settle for mediocrity in either SEO or website design. Each website design is meticulously honed to perfection. We sweat the small stuff, ensuring every pixel is in its place. And if it doesn’t quite hit the mark the first time, we’ll keep refining until it does (though we’ve been pretty spot-on so far).  Yet, aesthetics are only part of the equation. We’re all about results. That’s why every site we create is optimized for Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO). Because what good is a pretty face if it can’t seal the deal?

While our design team works their magic, our SEO gurus dive deep into the world of data and algorithms. We’re on a mission to increase your online presence, clawing our way up the search rankings with every tool at our disposal. It’s a strategic game, and we play to win. 

A key factor that aids SEO is producing top-notch legal articles. While many writers can write a compelling narrative, venturing into legal terrain demands a nuanced understanding of legalese and a solid grasp of legal principles. With decades of combined experience in both the legal and marketing realms, we believe we’re well-positioned to vie for the esteemed opportunity to write for you.

Now, let’s talk about Email Marketing, a crucial component in any attorney’s toolkit. At GCO, we understand the power of staying connected with your audience through email campaigns. Our team designs visually stunning flyers and newsletters, ensuring that your message grabs attention and leaves a lasting impression.

With our weekly email campaigns, strategically optimized for maximum impact, we help you stay top-of-mind with potential clients and drive engagement with your firm’s services. Whether it’s promoting new legal services, sharing valuable insights, or nurturing leads, our email marketing strategies are designed to deliver results.

While SEO remains integral for establishing a durable online presence and fostering brand recognition, we recognize the necessity for immediate lifts in various legal initiatives, like conferences and special events. That’s precisely why we provide PPC (Pay-Per-Click) services, such as Facebook and LinkedIn Ads, as well as Google Ads as a supplementary tool, aimed at enhancing visibility and accelerating outcomes. 

The beauty of it all is having every aspect of your online presence meticulously measured and analyzed. From website performance to PPC campaigns, data-driven insights shape our strategies. Through CRO, we optimize conversions using user behavior data. In SEO, we refine strategies with keyword rankings and traffic metrics. And in PPC, we monitor click-through rates and ROI. This ensures ongoing refinement and optimization for unparalleled success.

Why Law Firms Choose Us

That question can be best answered through the following analogy…

What do Singers/Songwriters and Web Designers/SEO specialists have in common?

Ever pondered the parallels between Singers and Songwriters and the dynamic duo of SEO and Web Design? Just as some excel at penning lyrics but struggle with vocal performance, it’s a similar tale with SEO experts and web designers. At times, the songs are simply “too darn good,” causing us to overlook any technical flaws in the delivery. Other times, the singer may be exceptional, but the songwriting skills fail to captivate.

Plenty of marketing agencies out there tend to favor one aspect over the other. It’s often a case of exceptional design paired with mediocre SEO, or the reverse. However, at GCO, we understand that Attorneys require not only a compelling website that exudes authority but also robust SEO strategies in today’s competitive marketplace.

At GCO, we prize both Exceptional Design And First Class Legal SEO!

"I found GCO to be very creative, hard working and able to meet impossible deadlines. Their work often exceeded expectations and they always go the extra mile. I can highly recommend them with confidence."

-M Cramer

- OosRand Vroue Alliansie

Logo Design to Engaging Videos & Beyond

Social Media Launch Campaigns YouTube Video Ads Logo Design Landing Pages - A/B Testing Creation of Social Media Pages Infographics Stationery Design
Social Media Launch Campaigns YouTube Video Ads Logo Design Landing Pages - A/B Testing Creation of Social Media Pages Infographics Stationery Design

Dive deeper with us beyond stellar web and digital marketing strategies. From striking logo designs to compelling YouTube launch videos, extending to the fine details of email and digital signatures. .

Frequently Asked questions

What kind of ROI can I expect from digital marketing?

Determining a good ROI in digital marketing can vary; however, a general benchmark is a ratio of 5:1, balancing profitability while considering essential business expenses. Our strategy is customized to your business needs, leveraging full-service SEO optimization and captivating ad campaigns to aim for an exceptional ROI, even in saturated markets. We don’t just chase numbers; we’re committed to building a vibrant, cohesive brand presence that genuinely resonates with your target audience, steering towards not only meeting but exceeding industry standards.

How much will redesigning and/or branding cost me?

The cost of redesigning and branding can vary greatly as it depends on a range of factors specific to your current digital landscape. Adopting a holistic view, we not only focus on refreshing the visual aesthetics but scrutinize all your existing marketing strategies to identify what is lacking and what is already working well. This comprehensive assessment allows us to craft a tailored strategy that can enhance your brand’s overall online presence, influencing not just how your brand looks, but how it performs and engages with its audience. To provide you with an accurate quote, we initiate the process with a detailed consultation to gauge your unique needs and aspirations, and then follow it up with a transparent, itemized estimate, balancing quality and affordability.

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